A good friend and fellow 5th grade
teacher miracle worker took Cameron, Joshua and me to the Omni @ Championsgate in Orlando..... it was FABULOUS! Josh's birthday is in a couple of days, and this was her b-day gift to him....
We started out with dinner at the T-Rex Friday night - the boys LOVED it!
Birthday Boy! |
Random People - Cool Decor, huh? |
I started out my Saturday perfectly - with an early morning run - finally! I got to explore a very scenic area, and run over a bridge - yay for hills! I'm really not being sarcastic - it feels so good to finally be able to do some 'real' running after being out with my hip pain. Being a country gal, I've always thought that I wanted to run over a bridge, through those fenced in tunnel-looking things whenever I drive by one.... did it! AAAND stopped to take a picture of it :)
Here is a terrible shot of the beautiful palm trees that lined the street leading back up to the hotel entrance:
I tried to be not so obvious about taking the picture, so the angle came out horribly! I just feel silly taking pictures of random things in public!

This next picture is of the sign at the entry - SUPER FANCY hotel!

....aaannnd this next picture is an example of how a follow the rules. obsessively. I feel so guilty if I EVER break a rule! I saw these beautiful paths that went through a perfectly manicured golf course, around ponds, sand traps and hills. But because of this sign:
I didn't run on them! I didn't want to get in trouble!! :(
After my fantastic run, I got back to the hotel room just in time to scarf down a doughnut :( and get ready for the pool! We spent a good 5 hours out in the water, between the giant pool, water slide and lazy river, we were busy! The boys had a blast, but we didn't get any pictures because we didn't bring an 'valuables' down from the room. I was afraid my phone would encounter some pretty serious water damage. :/
This is the 'lazy river' - the boys actually fell asleep in their tubes, Cameron in his own and Josh laying on me, so I hooked Cameron to our tube with my feet, and we did about 10 laps while they got their naps!!! :)
Around 5 o'clock, we ventured over to the playground, and that's when IT happened.... the FALL..... Josh fell off a piece of playground equipment and didn't get up. I was terrified! His right arm just laid underneath him on the ground as he cried....it was horrible! I picked him up and he seemed to calm down, but he still complained and didn't want to move his arm. I pretty much held him the rest of the night, hoping that he just needed more rest and he'd be better in the morning.
We had a low-key dinner, and Josh seemed to feel better - but notice that you can't see his right arm? He really wasn't using it much at all. When we woke up the next morning, it was still hurting and it was swollen, so we packed up, checked out and headed to Watson Clinic Urgent Care in Lakeland. They were amazing! We were done - x-rayed, splinted & ready to go in about an hour! Just simply amazing! So thankful we didn't have to go through an ER wait on top of everything else!!
Have you or one of your kiddos ever broken a bone? I broke my elbow when I was in high school! Actually did it during the first home basketball game of my senior year! :( We didn't realize it was broken at first, and I tried to go back in after icing it for a few minutes! Hardcore - haha!
Fancy hotels intimidate me. How do they make you feel?
Josh broke his arm at his birthday 'event'. Anything like that ever happen to anyone else??